Strategies for Raising Self-Reliant Children

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Self-Reliant Children

For the past two decades, Anthony “Tony” Hartman, a former US Air Force captain, has provided risk analysis and business consulting services as a self-employed business consultant in Dallas, Texas. When he’s not busy with work, Anthony Hartman of Dallas takes an interest in the art of raising children.

Every parent should aspire to raise a child who is independent and self-reliant. However, it may not always be clear how to accomplish this. Below are a few strategies parents can employ to foster self-reliance in their children:

Provide choices. By providing choices, parents teach their children about making decisions and understanding that each choice they make impacts their life in some way. It is best to begin offering choices in a small way by having children choose between just two items, such as two toys or two shirts. As kids grow older, these choices can become more numerous and complicated.

Practice negotiation. Older kids often fight against the rules established by their parents because they are looking for more freedom. To compromise, parents should include their kids in rule-planning sessions. This gives older kids the chance to negotiate the different regulations affecting them and teaches them about compromise.

Offer guidance. Protecting their children from frustration and disappointment is a basic instinct for many parents. Unfortunately, constantly behaving in this way prevents kids from developing the skills they need to be self-reliant. By providing guidance instead of doing things for a child, parents promote resourcefulness and independence.

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